Emergency Response Centre of Civil Protection of Mexico City and
released an application that can detect earthquakes. Application which
was released in Mexico City will provide hazard warning sign about 40 to
50 seconds before the earthquake came.
This application is released
directly by the Mexico City, Marcelo Ebrard. With this free
application, the community is expected to have time to evacuate to a
safer place.
For more details you can see the video below:
This application can detect an earthquake of 6.5 on the Richter scale or more. When an earthquake is detected, the application will give you a warning sign of danger even though the phone in silent mode or silent.
Currently, the agency developed applications from Mexico is only available for BlackBerry application. Citing the pages of The Huffington Post, these applications can be developed for Android and iPhone operating system.
However, The Huffington Post also mentions this application has some weaknesses. Alerts for this application are connected with the earthquake detection stations in the area of Guerrero. So when an earthquake comes from Michoacán, no alarm will sound.
Alarm is also difficult to detect earthquakes smaller than magnitude 5. In fact, if the earthquake source close to the crowd, under a 5 magnitude earthquake was potentially dangerous.
But may in the long run this application can be developed so that quake with a smaller size, can also be detected.
In addition, the BlackBerry system is unstable. Thus, it is feared the alarm will not work if the BlackBerry platform problematic.
Possible for other devices with different platforms can make this problem is resolved by the earthquake and the information will be very influential to the impact of the earthquake that followed, such as Japan for example, unlike other countries in Asia in general, the sophistication of the tools they have to suppress the number of victims because they already have a tool, which informs about the earthquake tsunami Japan that will happen before it's too late.
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