Nokia Finally Offer Voluntary Retirement Factory Workers in India


Nokia bankrupt ?- a factory worker assembles nokia phones in India.

Phone Zone - After considering the valid rules in the country has developed the business it , in the center of the tax dispute of  Nokia ,offers a voluntary recall in India factory .

Plan of the Nokia plant Microsoft's move to sell mobile phone for $ 7.5 billion , but last year , it took the tax authorities of India .

The court ordered the tax to Nokia in the value of $ 582,17 billion  as collateral before . I talked Microsoft , and Nokia , but does not accept this provision .

Without having to depend on the dispute , Nokia to work in the country Reuters , Nokia Friday How It offers voluntary retirement scheme (VRS) to the " after weighing ( 11 stability and predictability of the framework of the " regulation in the 4th month ) , the city of Nokia .

" We do not set goals in terms of number of employees for the VRS. All employees to come , is in charge of this offer , " Nokia , Nokia . Chennai told Reuters factory has full-time employee of about 6,600 , one of the largest manufacturers of opportunity for Nokia. Nokia india would be closed? we'll see. stay tuned.

Nokia Finally Offer Voluntary Retirement Factory Workers in India Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Dzukronus


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